Link to Application: Child Care Grant Application
Associated Students has grants for students who need extra childcare coverage during midterms and finals. You may qualify if:
- You are currently enrolled as an undergraduate UCSB student this quarter or summer session (only for A, B, or C). You may only apply for one grant per summer.
- You have the responsibility for care of a dependent (proof must be provided)
- You are applying for childcare funds due to an upcoming midterm or final
How to apply:
Submit the following to the Non-traditional Student Resource Center on the first floor of the Student Resource Building at UCSB:
1. Proof that you have a dependent (e.g. a birth certificate) and are responsible for the care of that dependent (only required for first time applicants)
2. A completed and signed application
Deadlines are Wednesday of the 2nd & 6th week of the quarter during the school year and the Wednesday of the 2nd week of the summer session.
Grants cannot be used retroactively and must be approved before the date used.
Quarterly / per summer session amounts
1 Child: $350
2 Children: $500
3 Children: $650
4 Children: $800
Contact: as-cabchildcaredirector@ucsb.edu