CAB Funding Guidelines
Please refer to these guidelines for information regarding CAB’s funding policies and procedures. If you have further questions, please feel free to email the CAB Treasurer at or feel free to join CAB’s treasurer or co-chairs office hours via zoom.
Office hours:
1. Sophie (Co-chair): Tuesday 9:30am-11am & Thursday 9:30-10:30am
2. Yamileth (Co-chair): Monday & Friday
3. Treasurer: TBD
The CAB Leaderboard meets every Monday at 7:00 PM to review funding requests and presentations (~2 minutes). Due to the large volume of requests received, please submit your request a few weeks prior to your event. The CAB Treasurer will send out email confirmations to organizations selected to present at Monday Leaderboard meetings based on submission order.
1. Groups asking for funds must have an AS account number or be a registered OSL group. This includes being an OSL registered entity for longer than 1 year.
2. Groups will be notified by email of the funding decision within 2 days of the meeting.
3. Any requests for fundraisers over $5,000 must be matched from the event.
4. CAB does NOT fund T-shirts, prizes, decorations, gifts, or raffles!
5. A.S. can only fund a maximum of $1000 for food for any group for the whole year.This means if, for example, you receive $300 from Finance Board for food, CAB will only be able to fund up to $200 for food for a total of $500 from A.S. However, you can request an exception from F&B.
Note: As of Spring 2011, to comply with the Sustainability Policy at least 50% of the food purchases must be sustainable in some way. Environmental Affairs Board (EAB) has compiled a great list of options that comply with the Green Bill. Sustainable Food Options: Page 1, Page 2
6. For events and organizations that receive funding, please attach the CAB logo to promotional advertisement materials (eg. fliers, posters, Digiknows, etc.)
7. Any request for funds to pay performers should be made at least one month before the event to ensure payment is on time. ALL payments to performers/artist/presenters require a signed Performance Agreement and a W9 Tax Form before payment may be issued. (Forms are available in the A.S. Admin Office, directly across the hall from the CAB Office)
Note: Correctly filled W9 Tax Form, Requisition Form, and Performance Agreement must be sent to the CAB treasurer two weeks before the event date.
8. A Post-Event Form must be completed in order to be considered for future CAB funding. Please forward the completed post-event form to
9. Purchase over $1,500 from any vendor needs two requirements: 1) Estimates from two other different vendors 2) Rationale of choice for the chosen vendor.
Purchase over $5000 from any vender needs the following requirements: 1) Two quotes from other different vendors. All quotes should include shipping, handling, tax, and any additional expenses. 2) Rationale of cost and choice
10. All requisition incurred during the quarter must be submitted by the end of the quarter in which they were incurred. RCOS that don’t submit within same quarter. NEED an exception from F&B.
11. Post your event please submit a requisition that includes the following:
A) Requisition 24-25 form. Physical copies are available in the A.S. Admin Office or an electronic copy can be found here:
i. CAB Treasurer will send you a detail step by step in how to fill out this requisition post approval of funding. Please DO NOT ADD ANY SIGNATURES to the box stating “TWO AUTHORIZED
SIGNATURES.” Only CAB’s co-chairs and treasurer are authorized signers.
ii. Please attached any receipts, invoices, performance agreement, W-9, or any other require documents along with the 24-25 requisition form. For all physical receipts please submit to A.S. Admin
office. Otherwise you will have to complete a lost receipt form.
iii. DO NOT TAKE THE REQUISITION TO AS-ADMIN (YOUR REQUISITION WILL BE PUT ON HOLD). Only CAB can submit your requisition after obtaining two authorized signatures plus agenda minutes
as proof you were approved for funding. As of 2024, any requisitions placed on hold by A.S. Admin that were not submitted by CAB will NOT be the responsibility of CAB. This is because those
requisitions were never sent to the CAB Treasurer or Co-Chairs first.
Click here for Funding Request Form